"My boys may not have travelled the world, but they have certainly travelled Alberta."

Thursday, July 15, 2010

July 14 - Close to Home

After a very few short days of rest, I was ready to hit the road again. The boys complained about no being able to play XBox and about how uncomfortable the van was getting, but I chose to ignore it all, still convinced that in the future they will thank me for forcing them to go one this adventure around Alberta. I think what scared them more than anything was that I'd spend a better chunk of my weekend compiling all the lists and information from our previous trip. Plus I got a fresh copy of the Alberta map to re-highlight all the areas we were going to visit.

I assured them that today's visits would be quick and close to home. Reluctantly the got into the van and we headed up to Morinville to find the World's Largest Toque. Given that Morinville isn't a large place I figure it would be easy enough to find...not so much. I stopped at the information center, which is attached to the town museum, and asked them where I might find the toque. I was met with much confusion. Neither one of the ladies their new anything about it. Eventually, they were able to track down someone from the historical society who told me that the toque was no more. At least that explained why I couldn't find it. I did take some photos out front of the museum. Morinville also has a centennial clock tower downtown, although I did not take any photos.

I decided that we should head back to Legal just to see if maybe we'd missed Depression Pete because of how hot and tiered we were. Once again we drove around town, still unable to find him. Although, I did learn that Legal is the French Mural Capital of Canada. The art work is very interesting. Instead of turning around and heading back to Hwy 2, I decided to try a new route. As the road I was on continued to keep going, I started to question whether I'd taken the right turn. Eventually, I did make it to Hwy 28 and we were on our way home.


  1. That's sad to hear about the toque! Haha. I lived in Morinville in the 90's and it was nowhere to be seen then either, just the stuff of legend.

  2. I moved to Morinville in 1989 and I remember seeing the toque in the Frontier Days parade in the 1990 or 91. It was off white, said Morinville vertically down on the front in red, and had a giant red Pom Pom on the top. They left it outside in the town maintenance yard, so it basically rotted.
