Another hidden gem - Carson Pegasus is located on McLeod Lake, just outside of Whitecourt. While our spot was not as private or as close to the water as the one we had at Ross Lakes, it was still very calming. With two nights of previous camping experience behind us, the fire was much easier to start. This time we also remembered to bring flashlights, just in case. It wasn't until we were setting up camp that we realized we forgot city water, cleaning cloths and a few other items; perhaps next trip we'll have it all organized.
This time we decided to bring our bigger tent; bigger and much harder to set-up. A lot of frustration built caused some very tense moments. We had the tent up, but realized there was only a shell and no floor.
This was after playing with the poles and turning the canvas around in various shapes, sizes and directions. We soon discovered the floor piece, which was also attached to the main tent; apparently we had simply built the fly. We pegged that down, figured out what the next tent piece was for and were done; well., with one extra piece to spare. Thankfully, I knew that this piece was meant to be a room divider. What I'd like to know is how small the people are who claim the tents can fit 6 or more people?
The site that we were assigned had no grill over the fire pit. Problem - we were going to be cooking pizza for dinner. We tried building a tinfoil tray over top of the pit - not heavy enough; we tried cooking it on the small ledge and roatating it - the pizza started to drup since it wasn't big enough; we tried putting it in a pan on the ledge - not hot enough.
Eventually we just sort of mushed it all up and ate a very gross looking, burnt pizza mush dish. I think even prisoners get better meals. It was a good think we had hot dogs for a back up mean.
I don't recall if it was before or after dinner that we drove around the campgrounds trying to find the beach. Apparently my map reading skills left me when Girl Guides ended years ago. We were on the opposite site of the lake. We found a very nice walking path and took a quick stroll. The kids asking what we'd do if we came across a bear. Being the nervous person that I am, it was time for us to turn around, hop back in the van, and return to the site.
While I read by the fire, the boys had fun playing with their knifes and with the fire. We also met our camping neighbours - a wonderful family from the Grande Prairies area. You see, I had only bought two bundles of fire wood, even though I was told that I would likely need three. At $7 a bundle, I was determined to make two last. Opps, apparently we need a little over two. I did what anyone travelling with two boys out on an adventure would do in this situation; I asked out campgroung neighbours if they had any extra wood that I could buy off them now or simple replace tomorrow night. Okay, so maybe not anyone would do this, but I have learnt that it never hurts to ask in life. Plus, all my years of camping have shown me that most other campers are very friendly people. Plus, their four year old son was so excited to have boys in the site next to theirs. Darkness cam quicker than we realized.
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